Interest Travel to Morocco
I just recently returned from Morocco on a solo journey in which I sought to know more people than places. I've met many people there, a fact that has enabled me to see the country mingling among its people and learning how to live day to day changes being made by the Alawite kingdom.
Many lines occupy the anecdotes and conclusions I have reached, but at present, on the other side of the Mediterranean, can be summarized in the fact that Morocco going through a battle without the peace agreement possible between local traditions and the "modern" Western. Many people ascribe to one side or another and many try, the end of the day without success, to belong to both at once, which is very difficult because many of the two courses of action are in many cases contradictory.
Very pleasantly surprised me learn about the Berber world and discover the enormous dignity to women living within it. I never thought that normal people live with the fact that when a woman does not receive the necessary respect for her husband leaves home with their children. Later, an intermediary of the people dictate the division of property and who gets custody of children. It is curious that among the Berbers
divorce ruled there since long before the English State.
To conclude, I must emphasize the great hospitality of the Arab and Berber peoples. I knew of this virtue among these people, but I never thought that came to the point that you give the house only to cross a couple of sentences with them and even leave you a copy of the keys to his home a few hours are known, as it happened to me. In fact, in seven days of travel, only spent a little over five dollars in property.
In conclusion, it is conceivable that no culture is superior to another, but all must learn the virtues of others.