not believe in Christmas starting in November
not believe in Christmas lights
of energy expenditure
speed and is a contribution to climate change
believe in Christmas ornaments from the nougat
anticipated meals and dinners "Christmas"
Of the Trees and the Nativity meaningless
Del Papa Noel representing the capital of USA
Of Cards sometimes forced
of good wishes only "Christmas"
Like Almond Nougat
Much Less believe in "Christmas"
coexisting with Inequalities With Consumerism Social
With the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, ...
the ethnic cleansing continues in the Palestinian Territories
In Gaza Humanitarian
Lock In West Bank Wall and illegal settlements
With the depletion of Fisheries, Senegal, Somalia and sub-Saharan
With Immigrants fleeing Pateras Cayucos and
With Hunger Immigration Law increasingly racist
With detention centers and torture Immigrant
systematically violated human rights in Palestine
In Iraq Afghanistan
In The Sahara
In Mexico
In Honduras In Peru In Brazil
In Argentina in Israel towards the Palestinian Prisoners
in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib
And also to some groups in Spain
in Catalonia, Euskadi ...
With Unemployment
Precarious Work With
With the alleged labor reforms
With the Homeless and Poor containers searching ...
With Gender Violence
With no Housing have
With that take to the streets having empty barracks ...
With those considered Pirates and Terrorists
For those who are actually ...
with societal prejudices
With Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Islamophobia ...
With Pedophilia, Pedophilia, Pornography
With Labour and Sexual Exploitation of Children With
Juvenile Centers in which
Torture instead of Retraining and reintegration
With ... all injustices, repression, oppression ...
not believe in a "Christmas"
and hypocrite Capitalist
From Whether or not they form part, is why this year
deny me want
A "Merry Christmas"
And Happy New Year wish
prefer more just more equal
with more freedom and less repression
Without War and Armed Conflict
Without Unnecessary
interested but no genocide or ethnic cleansing,
No Criminal impunity for
Without being decimating fish stocks
African ideas without persecution by
No human rights violations
to Poor, activists, conscientious objectors
Without Law Immigration and Deportation "Voluntary"
Without Torture in species or juvenile centers
Without Racism, Xenophobia Homophobia, Islamophobia
Without Gender Violence Child Abuse
Without in any way whatsoever
No excommunication from the Catholic Church Ó
may opt-
No Tax Haven in Switzerland or Andorra
Without Enrichment of the World Bank
Without Multinational Transgenic
Winning the fortunes at the expense of Peasants and Indigenous Industrial Reforms destructive
Without Labor Rights
Cheap No Layoffs or 65 hour
Wiretapping without vigilance or
No Infringement of Rights
Without Internet or Precarious Employment and Unemployment Unsure
no corrupt governments, not terrorists
State No neoliberal capitalism, cynics, hypocrites,
living off the poor and work
Merry Christmas and New Year
people fairly, Goodwill ...
And those who destroy the World That
I get a dose of his own medicine
the way that best
not believe in Christmas lights
of energy expenditure
speed and is a contribution to climate change
believe in Christmas ornaments from the nougat
anticipated meals and dinners "Christmas"
Of the Trees and the Nativity meaningless
Del Papa Noel representing the capital of USA
Of Cards sometimes forced
of good wishes only "Christmas"
Like Almond Nougat
Much Less believe in "Christmas"
coexisting with Inequalities With Consumerism Social
With the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, ...
the ethnic cleansing continues in the Palestinian Territories
In Gaza Humanitarian
Lock In West Bank Wall and illegal settlements
With the depletion of Fisheries, Senegal, Somalia and sub-Saharan
With Immigrants fleeing Pateras Cayucos and
With Hunger Immigration Law increasingly racist
With detention centers and torture Immigrant
systematically violated human rights in Palestine
In Iraq Afghanistan
In The Sahara
In Mexico
In Honduras In Peru In Brazil
In Argentina in Israel towards the Palestinian Prisoners
in Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib
And also to some groups in Spain
in Catalonia, Euskadi ...
With Unemployment
Precarious Work With
With the alleged labor reforms
With the Homeless and Poor containers searching ...
With Gender Violence
With no Housing have
With that take to the streets having empty barracks ...
With those considered Pirates and Terrorists
For those who are actually ...
with societal prejudices
With Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Islamophobia ...
With Pedophilia, Pedophilia, Pornography
With Labour and Sexual Exploitation of Children With
Juvenile Centers in which
Torture instead of Retraining and reintegration
With ... all injustices, repression, oppression ...
not believe in a "Christmas"
and hypocrite Capitalist
From Whether or not they form part, is why this year
deny me want
A "Merry Christmas"
And Happy New Year wish
prefer more just more equal
with more freedom and less repression
Without War and Armed Conflict
Without Unnecessary
interested but no genocide or ethnic cleansing,
No Criminal impunity for
Without being decimating fish stocks
African ideas without persecution by
No human rights violations
to Poor, activists, conscientious objectors
Without Law Immigration and Deportation "Voluntary"
Without Torture in species or juvenile centers
Without Racism, Xenophobia Homophobia, Islamophobia
Without Gender Violence Child Abuse
Without in any way whatsoever
No excommunication from the Catholic Church Ó
may opt-
No Tax Haven in Switzerland or Andorra
Without Enrichment of the World Bank
Without Multinational Transgenic
Winning the fortunes at the expense of Peasants and Indigenous Industrial Reforms destructive
Without Labor Rights
Cheap No Layoffs or 65 hour
Wiretapping without vigilance or
No Infringement of Rights
Without Internet or Precarious Employment and Unemployment Unsure
no corrupt governments, not terrorists
State No neoliberal capitalism, cynics, hypocrites,
living off the poor and work
Merry Christmas and New Year
people fairly, Goodwill ...
And those who destroy the World That
I get a dose of his own medicine
the way that best
Maria Jesus
say that although the Christmas picture of the head of input are reflected several the most dramatic of the World: Immigration, Coltan Exploitation (Congo), War Iraq, Pollution and Marginality in which they live and learn Children of El Callao (Peru), Saharawi Camps, Gender Violence, Gaza Humanitarian Lock, Persecution of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers, Coup in Honduras, Child Soldiers in DRC ... Contamination of African Fisheries, Famine in Somalia and in many other countries .... still many situations that could appear to represent in so many Christmas cards Awareness of "Another Christmas" which would not be attractive to send my Christmas greetings. think OTHER CHRISTMAS IS POSSIBLE FOR ALL THE WORLD IS QUESTION OF REINVIDICARLA in word and deed, our own. I HOPE ONE DAY POSSIBLE!