Milagros Vicente Rojas, 5 ° B
Kitty Cat
spiders though much I love you more every day for your loyal company
I love you

kitty cat you are my best friend I ever had
night and day
always accompany me in my melancholy.
Kitty Cat
always trust you you are the most beloved animal
why I love you always
kitty cat I do not
see from here I have brought your lechecita
to be able to sleep.
Yataco Teresa Eugenia Acuña, 5 ° B
Agüita pretty
to quench our thirst and that you can survive
we do not
let them die of thirst without you dear
water without you I die.
So dear I love you
why I love only you. LAND
Luque Carlos Dionisio Romero, 5 ° B
The Nature is in danger
mother earth is heated ozone
or damaged rivers, birds and flowers
Who's to blame?
rich man's greed
Transnational ejecting toxic gases.
children are witnesses of this great
Yataco Teresa Eugenia Acuña, 5 ° B

Agüita pretty
to quench our thirst and that you can survive
we do not
let them die of thirst without you dear
water without you I die.
So dear I love you
why I love only you. LAND
Luque Carlos Dionisio Romero, 5 ° B
The Nature is in danger
mother earth is heated ozone

or damaged rivers, birds and flowers
Who's to blame?
rich man's greed
Transnational ejecting toxic gases.
children are witnesses of this great
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