I just got my third trip to Cuba. And of the three has been the worst. I live in Cuba as a Cuban, living in a family home, with power outages and water shortages, lack of food and essential items. When I go there all suffer fear of missing people and here we have to spare, even wasteful.
If Loli has really come from Cuba (do not know if marked a bluff to make his story more believable), you should know that after suffering a devastating hurricane force 5, the electrical infrastructure and water supply takes some time to regain normalcy. Before Katrina, the Energy Revolution launched in 2005 has reduced outages by 90% over 2004. With respect to food, with much of the production livestock destroyed, it is normal to suffer a temporary devoid imports until they are needed and develop short-cycle crops put into operation for agricultural products in the near future. Anyway, it is considering a plan to correct the deficits Cuban agriculture productive, they are not few.
in Cuba in a month we could not give my son or a vegetable or a fruit because the markets are empty. In this situation, money not worth anything.
not exaggerate. Lack of certain products and there were fewer stalls open markets and less quality has not stopped anyone buying a banana or a tomato in a month. Another thing is that your child only wants to eat bagged grape or cherry tomatoes Vinalopó.
In the shopping (that's what Cubans call a store laso dollars) a liter carton of milk cost 2.40 chavitos (this is called the convertible peso.) Who is the cute you can buy that? An average Cuban earns about 150 Cuban pesos, convertible pesos to change is 25 to 1, so this amounts to 6 chavitos. Nor can we buy from street vendors because they stop you and the worst thing you have to pay 500 or 600 dollars fine.
If instead of going to the mall (a kind of elitist market, where everything is expensive), Loli was a national market, with prices subsidized by the state, maybe got milk at a price much lower, as most of the Cubans. Moreover, only fining people who buy large quantities in order to speculate with food vendors and irregular (as in my hometown).
The image given of Cuba here is that everything has improved. Do you remember the famous pots that gave faithful and published to great fanfare? To give anything. Pots and you have to pay the salary deducted. And that that people can have phones or computers? "With the wages that are going to buy a phone or a computer? In Cuba in 90% of the territory there is no coverage and hardly anyone can use the Internet.
Faithful He never said he would give away pots, although that has given to families who need social assistance (about 500,000). To pay the pots (at subsidized prices) have been given credit for the payment easier. In the rest of Central America and the Caribbean, normal salaries can not buy phones and computers. And why could not previously have mobile phones and internet access was very limited? As not to overload the poor Cuban network bandwidth, because U.S. residents are not allowed Cuba connecting the fiber optic cable Florida Straits (to which it belongs) and the island still has a very limited and costly access to satellites.
Indeed, the territorial coverage of mobile telephony was 65% (a 77% population coverage) and has developed a network of nearly 300 base stations, the alternative fixed telephony service, which using a conventional telephone equipment, mode provides wireless service to places of difficult access.

In Cuba in the XXI century children do not eat well, have no clothes or toys. With 9 years old can not drink milk and probably will not try many things ever. In hospitals lack medicines and people are afraid.
UNICEF itself has certified that Cuba is the only Latin American country to have eradicated child malnutrition. Infant mortality has lower rates than the U.S.. From the UN to the World Bank have recognized that the population of the island is the only Third World has reached a level of human development comparable to that of more developed countries, and the country can afford the luxury of sending medical volunteers to work for free in 102 countries. In 2004 he launched Operation Miracle, which led to a million people suffering from eye diseases in 28 countries gain their sight.
By the way, I too am afraid of hospitals. I can not see the needles.
And nobody telling me this is all America's fault and crash.
No, of course not, still say that the various U.S. governments have always been with beautiful people and the blockade was imposed to improve the welfare of the Cuban people.
I like to see in my next trip to Cuba that things have finally changed.
Where do you want to change? Towards a model similar to that of its neighbors in Haiti, the Dominican Republic or Jamaica? Do you miss the days when Cuba was a brothel U.S.?
Change yes, but always change things to go better.
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