"That an executive dedicated efforts and substantial resources to persuade employers that employ one or another language in their relationships with their customers is as well as intrusion and impertinence, a blunder comparable only if the Govern advise on the menu that restaurants should offer dressmakers or length skirts must reach their creations. In a show of fierce new interventionism sociolinguistic Antich government makes a fool of meddling in the natural processes of civil society, trying to mold them as if we had gone back to the days of the old Soviet Union. " " UPyD encourages people of these islands, in particular business and especially to senior Air Berlin to stand firm in defense of their rights and maintain the criteria of efficiency, service and performance relative to the absurd requirements of the national mythology. "
But of course the match criteria change when the airline Swiss International Airlines used alongside German Catalan on flights between Barcelona and Zurich. In its official website, says UPyD :
"UniĆ³n Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) has officially asked the airline Swiss International Airlines to use Castilian in their flights between Barcelona and Zurich, as this company has eliminated of all its communications with passengers and only use Catalan and German. "
also wrote a tough letter the company in which, contradicting all language manuals, the Catalan language was a dialect of Castilian English to show that the language should be the priority in the dealings their customers. Wow, is that no longer serve now "the criteria of efficiency, service and performance relative to the absurd requirements of nationalist mythology" ? If it comes to defending a language with "only" 400 million speakers before the attack of another 10 million, for them it is worthwhile to set aside some criteria and principles.
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