But today I am as a person, really angry. Rarely have I seen anyone so shamelessly taking an attitude offensive against a group that, although I do not belong, it represents a very important part of a society that tries every day, getting rid of prejudices that we have done as much damage as Humanity.
The author believe that it is well known. Ussía Alfonso, to his daily column in La Razón has today released a paper entitled " What about Gabon? ." It criticizes the fact that the English Foreign Minister has given € 28,810 to the association "Gays and Lesbians of Zimbabwe." This group, in a country of 11 million people, where AIDS is claiming 2,000 dead each week and where between 30% and 40% of the population is HIV +, has made an important task of information and prevention among population with an increased risk of infection. So much so that last year received the most distinctive IGLHRC (International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission) for their work.
However, despite the large number of lives saved and may ultimately save this partnership, to Ussía has not made any grace has been given even one euro to what he calls "the Tortise Truchon and Zimbabwe." Does not understand has been offered a donation to this organization that works in the country with the highest positive rate in the world and not having given a "Gays and Lesbians of Gabon," which does not exist by itself did not know. And in defense, no offense, its position, gives readers a summary of the best synonym for "homosexual" that may have taken more cheesy bar in the deep Spain, queers, Truchon, Tortise, losers of oil, tornatrás, fags , rose buds ...
And of course, is outraged because this money is not reported them to his fellow demo of the Fundación Miguel Ángel Blanco, in charge of dividing official acts anniversary of the murder of councilman to become a partisan act.
Finally, sometimes assumes a great effort not to wish harm to anyone.
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