is curious if Guillamón Alejandro Vicente, a fervent Catholic and convinced that seems to be more deeply studied the Koran as the Bible. It is clear from his article entitled " Islam: religion of peace? ." For him, the problem of Islamic terrorists there are, the more or less, that their sacred book the harangue to violence. He says "However defends (the Quran) the law of retaliation, and throughout the book there are many Surahs and verses (verses) that incite a holy war and the death of the infidels because they do not become apostates. You recitations, interpreted a maximalist way, are the source of conflicts and terrorist attacks that we see today along the world. "
appears that you have read the Koran carefully, he has not done anything with the Bible. In the holy book of Catholicism would have found another style. Maybe so peaceful with verses like these:
- " If a man has a rebellious son and shameless, that does not comply with what he sent his father or mother (...) all the people will throw stones until he dies. " (Mart 21 18-21).
- Telling God to Moses: " Catch all the leaders of the people and impale them facing the sun, before the Lord, in this way Israel may turn away from the anger of the LORD (...) LORD said to him Moses: "Attacks Midianites and kill them (...) (25.1 to 17 Nm).
do not intend to bore you with more violent sacred phrases of the Bible. In summary, pick up a statistical compilation done by the fantastic researcher of religious subjects, Pepe Rodriguez, in his latest book " The terrible examples of God (according to the Bible) ." Barcelona. Temas de Hoy. (2008):
Anything else to say about that? I think not.
Finally, a phrase I liked about this article: " So until they threw us out, big time, a Protectorate in which Spain never should have gotten. It took a lot of blood and copious amounts of money to modernize a country stuck in the Middle Ages, that the authorities in Rabat have not ever grateful. " Do
asked Morocco The invasion of Spain to modernize? How could someone so modernize a country that was anything but modern?
Finally, if you still have stomach, you can read the entire article. Appear to be reading a pamphlet of "Generalissimo himself" when he speaks of Freemasons, atheism, Marxism ... To laugh is when he says that, unlike what happens with Christianity, the "secularist offensive " intends " the conversion of the human species as sheep, completely manageable." You say.
- " If a man has a rebellious son and shameless, that does not comply with what he sent his father or mother (...) all the people will throw stones until he dies. " (Mart 21 18-21).
- Telling God to Moses: " Catch all the leaders of the people and impale them facing the sun, before the Lord, in this way Israel may turn away from the anger of the LORD (...) LORD said to him Moses: "Attacks Midianites and kill them (...) (25.1 to 17 Nm).
do not intend to bore you with more violent sacred phrases of the Bible. In summary, pick up a statistical compilation done by the fantastic researcher of religious subjects, Pepe Rodriguez, in his latest book " The terrible examples of God (according to the Bible) ." Barcelona. Temas de Hoy. (2008):

Finally, a phrase I liked about this article: " So until they threw us out, big time, a Protectorate in which Spain never should have gotten. It took a lot of blood and copious amounts of money to modernize a country stuck in the Middle Ages, that the authorities in Rabat have not ever grateful. " Do
asked Morocco The invasion of Spain to modernize? How could someone so modernize a country that was anything but modern?
Finally, if you still have stomach, you can read the entire article. Appear to be reading a pamphlet of "Generalissimo himself" when he speaks of Freemasons, atheism, Marxism ... To laugh is when he says that, unlike what happens with Christianity, the "secularist offensive " intends " the conversion of the human species as sheep, completely manageable." You say.
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