To illustrate the theory, we have again the traditional handling: raise individual cases to the category of generalized facts, exaggeration or false data entry.
An example of manipulation is that of fertility data used in the report. Compare the average number of children per woman in France (1.8) with the Islamic countries (8.1), taking the current rate of France and the number of years ago the Muslim-majority country with the highest rate, Afghanistan, which, incidentally, gives a ridiculous percentage of Muslim immigrants entering France. There have, indeed, currently, the two Muslim countries that contribute most amount of people to France, Algeria and Tunisia, have fertility rates lower than our neighbors, with 1.79 and 1.72 respectivament. Nor have immigrants quickly adopt the reproductive habits of the host countries.
To conclude, and not worth wasting time on a video like this analyzing it too deeply, we must explain to the writer of the documentary that the survival or otherwise of a culture has depended throughout the history of fertility as a key factor. swallowing up of one culture by another, using weapons, prestige or cultural domination for centuries have been the ways of expansion of some civilizations over others. In this regard, I must say that the culture that, according to the video, both endangered, is spreading faster and faster across five continents, including Muslim countries.
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