's Europe
The emergence of a new film by the Dardenne brothers is always a cause for celebration, and faith that they have earned. Movies like "Rosetta" and "The Son" and especially "El NiƱo" has been confirmed as a great example of true social cinema from a dynamic, thoughtful and with a strong tone of complaint which make films these filmmakers a event almost essential to know the social reality of the contemporary world, at least in a corner from which to project their concerns, which is as bright as it could be that of Ken Loach or Andra Arnold, but from a different perspective.
"The Silence of Lorna" maintains the social pulse, and also this time it involves a certain mystique that makes it even more interesting. Although it is easy to envision the relationship that may exist between the two main characters, no doubt the fact that all away showing dropper makes it even more interesting, and provides a very personal and always in a constant state of narrative immediacy.
Here are the problems with immigration, nationality and the gangs that generate the focus where the Dardenne brothers focus their attention, always provided a special sensitivity to address the female side and almost always the most affected and controversial. But Lorna, played correctly by the unknown Dobroshi Arta is a silent witness to everything that happens and burns with the desire to break a silence that is slowly destroying and also with the course of events the limits to untold torment .
The camera becomes a silent witness but inevitably funny, and above all share in a suffering that will increase throughout the entire film, while maintaining a more than acceptable narrative and emotional intensity, it is true that in final stretch seems to come bellows or lack of ideas to end a very interesting history and a high-pitched, concise and prudent, avoiding temptations that would have ruined the dramatic climate perfectly created.
We are thus faced with a film that contains everything needed to maintain a reasonable interest with little surprises, and achieve full satisfaction in who want more than a light film of summer.
Dardenne Brothers return to hit the target, aiming very carefully and with an occupation that increases in every movie and makes them some directors have in mind and not miss a single one of his films.
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